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The Jukebox

I have a device that has a web browser and not much else and on which I'd like to play some music. I made this page to allow that.

Bill Laurance - Zeal
Bonobo - South Congress
Crystal Castles - Kept
Darren Korb - We All Become
Ed Harrison - Tin Soldiers
El Ten Eleven - Jumping Frenchmen of Maine
EST - Dodge The Dodo
EST - From Gagarins Point Of View
Father Figure - Suns
Four Tet - Lush
Four Tet - Plastic People
Girls In Airports - Friends and Allies
Girls In Airports - Gong Song
Girls In Airports - Pirates and Tankers
Gogo Penguin - Garden Dog Barbecue
Gogo Penguin - Last Words
Gorillaz - El Manana
Grandbrothers - Neon
Grandbrothers - Silver
Grandbrothers - Yonder
Infected Mushroom - Heavy Weight
Junji Ishiwatari - Kamisamano Iutoori
Kaori Kobayashi - Ele Best
Kaori Kobayashi - Sunset Ocean
Laurent Bardainne & Tigre d'Eau Douce - Kinshasa
Laurent Bardainne & Tigre d'Eau Douce - Porsche 944
Low Roar - Dreamer
Lucky Chops - Full Heart Fancy
Lucky Chops - Halfway to the Hudson
Lucky Chops - Mo Momo
Maybeshewill - He Films The Clouds Pt2
Megadrive - Acid Spit
Meute - Panda
Microfilm - Devant nous rien
Microfilm - Margaret on the rocks
Microfilm - Rio
Moon Hooch - Contra
Moon Hooch - Give Yourself To Love
Moon Hooch - Red Sky
Orbital - Halcyon On On
Ratatat - Abrasive
Ratatat - Cream On Chrome
Ratatat - Shempi
Ratatat - Wildcat
RichardEEB - Megalovania
Robert Miles - Black Rubber
Robert Miles - Miniature World
Robert Miles - Somnambulism
Shubh Saran - Becoming
Shubh Saran - Safe
Sinto - Impalers Bounce
Snarky Puppy - Binky 2
Snarky Puppy - Chonks
Souleye - Positive Force
Stuff - Axlotl
Susumu Hirasawa - Parade
The Algorithm - floating point
The Algorithm - userspace
The Comet Is Coming - Final Eclipse
The Comet Is Coming - Neon Baby
The Comet Is Coming - Space Carnival
The Dukes - Laughter
The Flashbulb - 100 Swans
The Flashbulb - Hospital Ride
The Laszlo Project - Lydia s Dream
Thundersmack - Bad Molly
Too Many Zooz - Stand By Your Cats